Henry Steele's Features

Managing Editor

Henry is Managing Editor of BusinessStudent.com. He is a seasoned business professional who regularly consults with local business's throughout Southern California. Henry pursued his undergrad in Business and Economics at the University of San Diego and gained valuable life changing experience through a unique internship upon graduation.


100+ Highest Paying Business Jobs & Careers

One of the advantages of a business career is its versatility. Good business positions can run the gamut from highly people oriented jobs, such as HR managers, to more technology focused roles, such as IT business managers. No matter what... Read More

National MBA Salary by Job Title

Brand Manager A brand manager is responsible for the success of a brand or product. They plan, develop and direct various marketing efforts to boost the performance and value of a brand, service or product. As a brand manager, you... Read More
Online Degrees

What is a Healthcare Management Degree?

Jobs in healthcare go far beyond only those involved in laying hands on patients. Individuals with an interest in medicine, healthcare and other related fields who don’t want to become doctors, nurses, dentists, chiropractors or other medical providers or support... Read More
Online Degrees

Healthcare Compliance Degree

Healthcare compliance is defined as the continual process of meeting or exceeding the ethical, legal and professional standards that apply to a healthcare organization or provider. Healthcare compliance means healthcare facilities and providers must develop effective processes, policies and procedures... Read More
Online Degrees

Why Get a Business Technology Degree?

With the higher prevalence of cloud computing, data storage networks, and technology on the Internet affecting our lives, modern companies rely on workers who are experienced in business and technology. This is the reason more colleges and universities are offering... Read More
Online Degrees

Why Get a Global Security Degree?

With regular global security threats to the United States and other countries, there is higher demand today for security and intelligence specialists in the US and around the world. Students may choose to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in... Read More
Online Degrees

Intellectual Property Law Degree

The subject of intellectual property law is of growing importance in our increasingly technological and complex society. Intellectual property is intangible types of property that arise from mental rather than physical labor. Intellectual property involves inventions, designs and even artwork.... Read More

"It doesn't matter how many times you have failed, you only have to be right once." - Mark Cuban