Online Degrees

Public Health Policy & Management Degree

As a public health professional or manager, you will focus on preventing injury and disease by promoting policies and procedures that lead to healthier lifestyles for at risk communities. Public health management professionals are responsible for implementing public health programs,... Read More
Online Degrees

Online Bachelors Degree Programs

Unemployment is very low in the United States, and the economy overall is strong. There is strong demand in the business and financial sectors for workers; the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports job demand in the business and financial fields... Read More
Online Degrees

Why Get a Biotechnology Management Degree?

As a biotechnology manager, you will manage biotechnology professionals who modify or manipulate living organisms to develop new products, including pharmaceuticals and biofuels. Biotechnology managers need to take established principles of business and apply them properly to a scientific setting... Read More
Online Degrees

Robotics Degree

As a robotics engineer, you will be responsible for designing plans needed to build robots. Also, you will design the processes needed for the robot to do its tasks properly. Some robotics engineers also actually design the machines that assemble... Read More
Online Degrees

What is a Financial Technology Degree?

Technology is changing processes and workflow in the financial services field. Transactions that once were handled with paper money, human interaction and computers are now being done entirely with digital interfaces. Almost every kind of financial activity from payments to... Read More
Online Degrees

Innovation Management Degree

An innovation manager is an innovating professional inside a company that seeks and develops ideas and handles innovative projects that lead to higher efficiency and profits in an organization. An innovation manager is also a type of enabler who creates... Read More
Online Degrees

Why Get a Blockchain Engineering Degree?

As a blockchain engineer, you will be responsible for creating and implementing digital solutions for companies that use blockchain. Blockchain allows many types of information to be shared and distributed to the public online without any copies being made. The... Read More
Online Degrees

Political Management Degree

With a political management degree, you will develop the skills and knowledge to run political organizations and political campaigns. Overall, political management is focused on the skills you need to work in politics and political campaigns. Depending upon your interests,... Read More

"It doesn't matter how many times you have failed, you only have to be right once." - Mark Cuban